Os Legumes da Russa
B126, B127, B141, B142

Os Legumes da Russa

Stalls: 126-127-141-142

Cecília Barbosa is 60 years old. The stall that she now owns in Bolhão belonged to her sister, who started out as an employee of a lady called Lindinha, and later on —because Lindinha was already advanced in age — she took over the stall on her behalf. Her sister was still the owner of the stall, and Cecília would just come over to help her every Saturday. Later on, when she left the Market, it was Cecília who took over the business and started to stay here all week long.

Twenty-five years later, Cecília is still selling the vegetables for which she is so well known, and she does not hide that she is happy to have left the world of clothing for Bolhão, where she hopes to stay for many good years.