Inês das Plantas
B39, B54

Inês das Plantas

Stalls: 39-54

Ms. Inês is 82 years old and has been in Bolhão for 40. Her family history in the market begins with her mother, Olívia Pereira da Silva, who used to sell vegetables for planting. Her sister, Zulmira Pereira Chaves, also had a stall at that time, where she used to sell flowers. When her mother left the market, Inês, who had initially chosen a different career, namely working as a seamstress, decided to pursue the family business. From vegetables to flower bundles and bulbs to plant, Inês found new products to sell at her stall, many of them coming from a field in her hometown, Vilar do Paraíso.

Presently, four decades later, Inês does not regret having changed the course of her work and of her life. We can always find her at her stall, behind beautiful plants and flowers.